It's autumn and it's 85 degrees outside — what the hell is going on with the weather? Fall in Prospect Heights is typically marked when the leaves turn brown and the
hipsters wear more than two layers of ironic T-shirts.
The first Knit PH at Maha's was this past Wednesday. We had a small but fun group. Penelope was there first, Petra showed up on her Vespa armed with yarn and Ukulele. It's her cutlural night, band practice and knitting. Then Tomoko (the other smoker) and Emily arrived. A guy eating at the next table asked about the knitting circle. I told him to sign up (free) online. He said he was thinking of getting back into it.

Petra is working on swatches for a line of organic clothing, she's a knitwear designer (and
chanteuse). Emily is making baby hats for everyone at the office. Penelope is working on five things at the same time
show off! But whoa! Check out Tomo. She's working on a really cool art project: Arm Chairs. She's making 30 of these! She made four sleeves in two hours. That's some quick knittin'. Tomo works in architecture. Note the
Eva Zeisel vase in her photo, very nice. I started a scarf. I lose one every year. Some lucky homeless person is wearing an 8-foot long alpaca/camel blend. I hope they feel fabulously warm. I'm still getting my stash together — I've got bags of yarn in bags in boxes. I have many mis-matched balls of yarn left over from sweater projects. I don't know if I should be telling people I have loose balls.
I'm glad people could make it to Knit PH. With this Atlantic Yards mess pending, who knows how long we'll be a Prospect Heights heighborhood. This thing is Titanic: 17 towers of luxury living and and arena? Where do
we live? It's already scared people away and destroyed business by threatening to enact Eminent Domain on our asses. Come on Brooklyn, fight the good fight! One of the organizers for
Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn passed by Maha's. Shabnam said she still has to finish her husband's hat that she started last year. It's only two ear flaps away.
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