58° on a February evening? I'm not complaining. Amanda arrived first, then Tomo. I ordered a hot cocoa and split an almond croissant with Tomo. My plan to lose some of that winter weight involves sharing my snack guilt — half a pie, half a bag of chips, half an order of fries, half-rack of ribs, etc.
I did some mid-winter apartment cleaning — that included downsizing my yarn stash. I'm helping Eliza organize the Afghans for Afghans charity blanket drive. We're getting good responses from the group. The squares are simple and make good use of odd balls that I don't want to throw out. So far I've knit 2 and crocheted 3.

Patty brought her friend Jan, but showed up without her dreads — I do like her new micro-fro. She needed some help with the knit instructions I wrote for the blanket drive. Jan is reacquainting herself with crochet, "It's been over 9 years."
Lisa stopped by briefly to show Eliza her new plum sweater while her dogs were tied out front. Lola and Rudy howled away impatiently. Emily's finished a very tropical looking shawl. She said it was a quick knit, only took about two weeks. She asked if there was a way to measure yardage without using a yardage counter.
I told her how I used to do it. I had a gram scale , I tried to manage my weight by weighing my food. That became tiresome, and it made me want to eat more than the recommended point system allowed. Anyhow, if you have a "mystery" ball here's what you do with a gram scale:
First weight the ball of yarn, this is variable A. Now measure out 50 yards with a ruler and weight it on a gram scale. That's variable B. Therefore (A grams ÷ B grams) X 50 yards = Your total yardage. Sounds good right — but I was always off by 10 or 15 yards. I told her to show up at Freddy's this Sunday, I'll bring the yardage counter.
Tomo made drink sleeves with a heart motif as Valentines Day gifts. Adrienne finished her Fiddle Head mittens and modeled them proudly. Marina is starting a baby blanket for a friend who is due very soon. I just worked on more squares.

Ah, sorry about the impatient hounds.
hey! That was MY sweater that I was showing Lisa, not Lisa's sweater!
Emily's shawl is amazing. I'll have to search it up on Ravelry.
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